Software Applicable to Books

Satellite Communication Systems – Design Principles
Solution to Chapter 2, problem 3
This program calculates the azimuth, elevation and range of a geostationary satellite from a given location on the Earth.
Solution to Chapter 2, problem 4(a)
This program calculates the latitude/longitude of a given elevation angle contour for a given geostationary satellite location. The program run time depends upon computer specs and accuracy chosen.
Mobile Satellite Communications – Principles and Trends
Simulation of satellite orbit
This program estimates sub-satellite points, look angles from a given earth location, range, path loss and Doppler shift.
Figure 2.10a
Semimajor axis versus rate of change of argument of perigee
Semimajor axis versus rate of precession of ascending node
Figure 2.13
Semimajor axis versus rate of precession of ascending node
Figure 2.19a
Half power beamwidth Vs maximum number of days sun transit occurs at an earth station
Figure 2.19b
Ground station antenna beamwidth versus maximum duration of sun transit
Figure 2.26
Number of satellites in a constellation for world-wide coverage – from various researchers
Figure 3.44 (a) and (b)
Estimated topospheric attenuation due to Oxygen and water for an elevation angle of 10 deg, single transit, at various altitudes
Figure 3.50
Fade versus number of channels available for various percentage of mobiles undergoing fade
Figure 3.52
Plot of supportable bit rate against satellite EIRP for various types of terminals
Figure 5.2
Polarisation loss versus Mobile and satellite antenna axial ratios
Figure 6.13
Orbital altitude versus satellite antenna diameter