Satellite Communication Systems:
Palgrave Publishers Ltd, UK &
McGraw-Hill, USA; Second edition; 1999

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Intended for university students, practicing engineers, technical managers and new entrants to the field, this book provides a full overview of satellite communications and describes concepts and methods used in satellite system design.
The topics covered include satellite orbits, communications links, modulation and coding, baseband signal and multiplexing techniques, multiple access techniques, earth station design,communication satellites, non-geostationary orbit satellite constellations and systems.
There are practical examples and problems, numerous references and helpful orbit-related formulae to aid the engineer and student in gaining a solid grasp of the latest concepts and methods used in the design of satellite communication systems.
The book is a recommended text in a number of universities in the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as in some industrial courses.
Satellite communication courses organised by, EEM Advancement Centre Pte Ltd, Singapore.
Examine TABLE OF CONTENTS and excerpts.