Mobile Satellite Communications

Mobile Satellite Communications: Principles and Trends, 2nd edition
Author: M.Richharia
Issue 4.0, August 26, 2015
This version supersedes previous issues.


ChapterSectionPageLocation within
Correction (Deleted
font for deleted text
and underlined font
for new text)
22.2.140Line 7Eccentricity of a
circular orbit is 1 0 10for an eccentricity of
0.1∘ [degree deleted – eccentricity is
dimensionless] 2.10(a)Delete degree symbol
from eccentricity
2RevisionQ 2.7 Plot a graph of rate of
change of argument of
perigee ….. but one
Ie(𝜃)=the wanted ground station antenna
gain towards interfering source, Pi =the satellite
transmitter output of interfering carrier,
Is(𝜑)=the interfering satellite’s antenna gain
towards wanted ground station interfering
source, lp = the path loss of interfering
carrier towards wanted ground station to
See solution 3, chapter
3 for further details and
update 3.8 captionSource: Figure 1 of
ITU-R, 1992-1 1992b
33.3.1104Figure 3.9 captionSource: Figure 1 of
ITU-R, 1992-1 1992b
33.3.1105Para 3, line 10A technique for laboratory simulation of
tropospheric scintillation has also
been reported by this author (Reference:
Simulate tropospheric amplitude scintillation
Richharia, M.; Pratt, T. Microwaves & RF
(ISSN 0745-2993), vol. 24, April 1985, p. 79-
82. 3.2, entry
‘Dispersion (ps/Hz)’
1/f2 replace by 1/f3 3.2, entry
1/f2 replace by 1/f3 by line below
Table 3.2
and therefore MSS service links use
circularly polarized waves, 3.10S4-\ = 𝜎/ 𝜇 (Read as: S4 = 𝜎/ 𝜇 line below
equation 3.10
where 𝜎 denotes ensemble average
standard deviation and 𝜇 is the mean signal
power 3.11S4ꬰ ᾳ exp (-b/W)
3References172ITU (1992a), ITUR Rec. 531-2, RPI
Series, Geneva
A recent version of this recommendation is
available: Rec.531-11, 2012
44.2.5194Equation 4.6Equation should read as: 1/ N = N-1 ∑ n=0 Ane j Փṉ j( w∆n ) k T [See position of  Փṉ line from
bottom of the page
… high up link carrier to noise ratio density in
presence of nonlinearity (see Figure 6.3b, as an example where the ratio is>12).
66.2.3299Line before equation (6.2)It can be readily shown that the edge-ofcoverage carrier to
noise power density ratio (C/N) at the spacecraft from a user transmission via an omni-directional antenna is given as
(Egami, 1995)
66.2.3299Equation (6.2)For derivation of equation (6.2), please see solutions to chapter
6, revision question 4 in Solutions to revision question of the book[Available on this web site].
77.4.23396th line below
figure 7.11
Telemetry Tracking and Telecommand
88.2.1359Para 3, Line 3global mobile packet radio services(GMPRS) line from the
bottom of page.
In such cases, theoretical assumptions values have
to be estimated based on heuristics, logic, etc.
99.74646th line from the
bottom of page.
.. alternative methods within their respective jurisdiction to encourage efficient use of spectrum
1111.2.1534Last entry Table 11.9Service link L Ka
1313.3.3.1634Last but one line
from the bottom of
… …a signal to travel from the satellite to a receiver and
velocity of electromagnetic wave in the intervening medium
1414.4.3665First sentence of subsectionClarification of text: The frequency planning process lays out carrier optimally such that radio link quality remains intact.
The process does not include upper layer issues
that degrade the quality of service to the end user.
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